There’s this program inside me that’s really fucking hard to break, that’s, like…

I’m not somebody that people stick around for, because that’s just what my path is in this life, which is okay.

I can be okay with that, that that’s my path.

“Finding My Father” S01x08

It hits home too hard.


It’s been two weeks of successful night sleep. Already fell asleep on 9pm (10pm latest) nowadays and I found that:

  • I have better mood in the morning.
  • Less stress throughout the day (I’m on pms and I don’t feel significant mood swing I usually have and my bad temper have been slightly tamed)
  • Easier to focus on work.
  • Also easier to focus doing makeup (IMPORTANT)
  • Better and improved translation because of the point above.
  • Better and brighter skin condition (also because I started using micellar water and non-scrub face wash which have been proven to worsen my dry skin condition)
  • Better energy (can’t say it’s high or energized but I have better energy to fuel me throughout the day)
  • Significantly large appetite (I have to have breakfast in daily basis now)
  • Unable to stay up a little longer after 10pm because too sleepy already

In all, I’m pretty glad with all of these. Kind of missed being a night owl but I love this newfound ‘healthy’ habit that I had now. I hope I could keep it going for the longest of time.


This morning I saw photos of Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift kissing by the beach. And not long afterwards, medias confirmed that they are indeed dating.

Tbvh public figures life is always been amusing to me but who am I to judge on their relationship? So imma stay away from that.

What saddened me was Tom’s portrayal in the media. Reducing him to “Taylor’s new boyfriend”.

But he’s so much more than that.

Media needs a party to degrade. To be reduced to an unknown status. They need to put one more ‘hip’ name forward and belittle the other. All for clickbait. Sadly this time they use Tom :( Seeing medias degrade Tom bec he’s now someone’s significant other, I feel angry. He’s a talented, amazing and humble human, also unicef ambassador. Not to mention long list of impressive filmography. Despite his cold, grimey, and villain-like appearance, he’s a superhero. A superhero at heart at least.

He’s more than someone who smooched pop music’s it girl bye the beach. More than just a pretty face. More than just a Loki Laufeyson. Tom doesn’t deserve any of this. He should’ve been seen as his acting career and that’s it.

I hope I wouldn’t see any of this. Be it Tom, or other people who happened to be dating the it boy/girl at the moment. Because none deserve to be degraded for who(m) they’re dating with.

P. S. About Yoochun, ah boy I don’t know what to do with you anymore. Sometimes I really think you tested my patience and this time I hit my limit. Yoochun is canceled until further notice.
P. P. S. Apparently I heard rumor that Chris Evans actually a homewrecker for dating Jenny Slate which happened to be his co-star in upcoming movie “Gifted”. They shoot back in October and Jenny still has husband by then but not long after they’re shooting together Jenny filed for divorce. People assumed that Jenny has affair and the third person is Chris. Wtf???


Lisbon: You have not met this girl.

Jane: Oh, a tough cookie, likes to hide her emotions under a hard veneer?

Lisbon: Yeah.

Jane: Yeah, I think I’ve met a woman like that before.

Lisbon: Is that so?

Jane: Uh, you want to know how I got her to lower her guard?

Lisbon: How?

Jane: Uh, I lowered my own.

The Mentalist 07×02, “The Greybar Hotel”